第37卷第1期 制 冷 技 術 Vol.37, No.1
2017年2月 Chinese Journal of Refrigeration Technology Feb. 2017
(廣東美的制冷設備有限公司,廣東佛山 )
[摘 要] 本文數值分析了翅片厚度對不同結構的翅片管換熱器性能的影響。仿真結果表明:翅片管式
[關鍵詞] 翅片管換熱器;數值模擬;換熱性能;翅片厚度
Analysis of Influence of Fin Thickness on Performance of
Fin-and-tube Heat Exchanger
ZHAO Fufeng
(GD Midea Refrigeration Equipment Co. Ltd. Foshan, Guangdong , China)
[Abstract] The investigations of the impact of fin thickness on the heat transfer performance of fin-and-tube heat
exchangers with different structures are performed. The numerical simulation results show that, the heat transfer
performance of fin-and-tube heat exchanger with larger tube diameter, fin width and fin pitch is more sensitive to fin
thickness; the fin thickness of slit fin has larger impact on heat transfer performance than that of plain fin; the
impacts of fin thickness on heat transfer performance of the heat exchanger with different row numbers are
negligible; the impact of fin thickness on the performance of the heat exchanger with small longitudinal tube pitch
and small diameter tube is very small.
[Keywords] Fin-and-tube heat exchanger; Numerical simulation; Heat transfer performance; Fin thickness
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